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Morgans Primary School & Nursery

‘Nurturing Life - Long Learning’


Welcome to Reception

Spruce Class and Birch Class 



 Reception Tour Dates 2024-2025

9.15 a.m - 10:30 a.m

23rd & 24th October 2024

6th, 12th & 15th November 2024


10:00 a.m - 11:15 a.m

25th November 2024

2nd & 10th December 2024

8th January 2025

A warm welcome to Reception’s web page


In Reception we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, learning through play. We have lots of lovely resources in our classroom and outdoor area so we are always busy learning and playing together. We strongly believe that play is a vital part of learning and development and allows children to consolidate and deepen their knowledge and understanding. 


During the year we will be learning through lots of practical activities and we will be covering many topics that are initiated by the interests of your children. We enjoy learning in our classrooms and also using our outside area – so please make sure children always have suitable clothing in school.

Please see the class teachers if you can help in any way.





Guidance to your child’s learning and development in the early years foundation stage.






"Play is the highest form of research" - 

Albert Einstein

Outdoor Learning Areas

Our amazing Reception garden allows children to explore and investigate a wide variety of learning opportunities. In our large loose parts construction area, children are encouraged to work collaboratively to build and create. This is also a perfect opportunity for children to develop their physical skills, as well as developing their thinking skills and problem solving.

Small World Learning Opportunities

Using small world resources can offer a valuable opportunity to develop creativity, communication and confidence. We follow the interests of the children to ensure that we are providing key learning opportunities that the children will want to engage with. Adult interaction can scaffold and model language and vocabulary and support children to develop narratives and story telling skills with their peers. 

Outdoor Role Play Area

At Morgans we believe that children should have access to real life resources to enhance their role play experiences. By providing real resources we are supporting children to use their imagination and to act out real life experiences and we are also teaching children to value and respect the resources too. 


We provide a variety of resources and tools for children to use to develop their creative side. By using scissors and colouring pencils, children are developing their fine motor skills and finger strength ready for writing. Children develop their independent skills and make choices about their creativity, as well as, rehearsing practical skills and problem solving. 

Independent Painting Area

Creative Art Area

Role Play Opportunities

Role play allows children to develop their personal and social skills as well as their communication and language skills. Acting out familiar scenes with their peers, provides opportunities for children to begin to develop a narrative and practice their storytelling skills too. 

Maths Learning

Maths can be found in all areas and aspect of everyday life. In Reception we teach Maths in a very practical way and support all children to understand the 'Numberness of Numbers'. We encourage children to talk about numbers and explain their reasoning and thinking. At Morgans School we teach children to develop a Mastery understanding of number and how different numbers can be made - if you understand number 8 and how it is made, then you can understand 80, 800, 8000! Numbers are amazing. 
