Parent Council

Parent Councils are the formal representative body for parents / carers with children attending school. Parent Councils are different in each school to enable them to meet the needs of parents / carers locally.
Parents are welcomed to be:
involved with their child’s education and learning;
be active participants in the life of the school and;
express their views on school education generally and work in partnership with their children’s schools.
All parents / carers are automatically members of the Parent Council at their child’s school. As a member of the Parent Council all parents can expect to:
receive information about the school and its activities;
hear about what partnership with parents means in our school;
be invited to be involved in ways and times that suit you;
identify issues you want the parent council, to work on with the school;
be asked your opinion by the parent council on issues relating to the school and the education it provides;
work in partnership with staff and;
enjoy taking part in the life of the school in whatever way possible.
The Parent Council decides how their class representatives are chosen and how the Parent Council operates. Parents / carers are encouraged to volunteer or put themselves forward to be chosen as representatives of the Parent Council if they wish.
The main aims of the Parent Council are:
To support the school in its work with pupils
To represent the views of parents
To promote contact between the school, parents and pupils
Volunteering at our School
We are fortunate to have parents and people in the local area who volunteer to help at our school. Volunteers offer support in a number of different ways such as reading with children, supporting in a classroom, assisting in sports clubs, as a School Governor etc.
If you are interested in being a volunteer at Morgans School it would be a requirement that the following checks would have to be made prior to you commencing your volunteering role:
A fully enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check (please see further down this page the acceptable documents you would need to provide to support your application)
You would need to complete a Disqualification Declaration which contains questions regarding any restrictions that may have previously been made against you or anyone living in your household in relation to being around children
You would need to provide two character references supporting your suitability of working in an school environment with children, that they have no safeguarding concerns around you working with children and stating how long they have know you, in what capacity and their contact details. (We have attached a form at the bottom of this page that you may use for this purpose).
A School Confidentiality Form which relates to you not sharing any information with anyone outside of the Morgans School environment.
We know the above list may seem daunting initially but we are sure you will appreciate that safeguarding our children is our absolute priority and we must ensure that all the correct checks have been undertaken before anyone can start working amongst our children. The checks do not take long, the DBS (Disclosure And Barring Service) checks are usually returned within a week or two.
If you are interested in volunteering please do not hesitate to contact us 01992 582162 or by email
Please see information herewith for relevant documentation required to become a volunteer.