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Morgans Primary School & Nursery

‘Nurturing Life - Long Learning’


 Nursery Tour Dates:  2025

9:15 a.m - 10:30 a.m

30th January 2025

4th, 13th & 28th February 2025

3rd March 2025

Welcome to Nursery


Every day, your child explores and learns through play, with carefully planned activities and learning opportunities in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum and which aim to develop key learning skills and attitudes as we introduce them to the 7 Learning Powers. Children are free to explore their learning environment and resources, both inside and outside, whatever the weather!


We explore a variety of different themes throughout the year, driven by the children's interests and needs, drawing on their first hand experiences as a powerful context for their learning. We love to hear about the children’s interests and what they find fascinating and motivating at home, so please share this information with us.


During the Autumn term, we place a strong focus on Personal, Social and Emotional Development.  This involves settling the children in so that they feel confident to part from their families and to feel safe and secure in their new setting.


It also supports the development of positive relationships, both the adults who are teaching and caring for them, and with their peers. This involves learning to share time and space with other children and to turn-take and share resources.  Once these skills are in place, they are then able to grow their special friendships and collaborate and link up towards a shared goal. 


Our aim is to encourage children to become as independent as possible as this empowers them to have a ‘can do’ attitude and do things for themselves.  For this reason, there is a clear daily routine with children putting their name up on the ‘Registration Board’ and putting their things in the right place. Changing from shoes to wellies and being able to put on their coat is also a key skill.


The second Prime area of focus is Communication and Language to enable children to both express their thoughts and ideas and to develop active listening skills which are key if they are going to access their learning in all other areas.  We offer the children a range of rich opportunities to develop these skills such as sharing stories; imaginative role play; smartboard activities and interactive games; conversations as the children arrive, the use of ‘Family books’; singing songs; and as we explore and learn about our World outside. 


The third Prime area of focus is Physical Development. This area focuses on both gross motor and fine motor skills, giving your child opportunities to explore different ways of moving and to give them the experiences they need to develop the physical strength for writing later on such as climbing; hanging from bars and branches. They also engage with ‘busy finger’ activities and mark-making activities as they learn to represent objects from their experience working towards learning to create more controlled marks and shapes in preparation for writing their name and then other words as they move on to Reception. 


Alongside these Prime areas of learning, are four further Specific areas: Literacy; Mathematics; Expressive Arts and Design and Understanding the World. 


As the children move through the year, our expectations change as the children are ready to work on adult-led activities where they need to listen as part of a small group and carry out a task.


They also begin to take home a ‘Sharing Pack’ to allow them to share a book with you at home which they find very exciting. 


They will also begin to experience many different learning contexts to make full use of the learning opportunities Morgans School has to offer such as the library; the Treehouse; the hall for P.E and the Running Track.


The children enjoy participating in shared activities with the rest of the school, including a Christmas performance, Sports Day and Morgans Mile. These activities help the children feel part of the school community and aid their transition into Reception.

Guidance to your child’s learning and development in the early years foundation stage

Please see all relevant documents.

Any issues please speak to the school office.


