SENCo - Miss Siobhan Cosh
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in school.
Statement from the SEND code of practice:
'A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her. A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she: has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age, or has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools.'
Some children may have learning, physical, emotional/behavioural or special needs which require special support or provision over the long or short term. Their needs are identified and assessed according to the national code of practice and help is provided in school or sometimes from outside agencies for those who need it.
SEN guidance from the Department of Education found 7 ingredients of effective SEN support:
1. Inclusive culture, leadership and management
2. High quality teaching
3. Use of expertise
4. Personalisation
5. Flexible use of evidence-based strategies
6. Progress tracking
7. Communication and collaboration.
At Morgans we strive to achieve the above to meet the needs of our children with SEN.
1. We are a nurturing school with a therapeutic approach to developing our children and helping them reach their full potential. We understand inclusion as meaning giving children the experiences they need to succeed. Or leadership and management approach is inclusive in that our core vision, led throughout the school, is that of adjusting our approaches to be fully inclusive.
2. Our teachers deliver a high quality first teaching approach for all pupils including those with SEN. Our comprehensive professional development programme ensures teachers have a variety of quality teaching methods to meet the needs of all.
3. We have practitioners across the school with expertise in different aspects of child development and we use these colleagues strategically to help support teachers and pupils.
4. We adjust our teaching approaches and support packages to meet the individual needs and to engage, enable and empower each child. Our creative curriculum is designed to be personal by ensuring children are given a voice to develop it.
5. We use research to support our development as educators and guide and inform us with our strategies, support and intervention approaches.
6. We use Insight Tracker, pre and post assessment, AfL and ELG to help assess and track our pupils. Interventions are recorded and the impact of them are monitored and discussed in pupil progress meetings either half termly or termly depending on the intervention. All pupils progress is tracked by the class teachers and evidenced on our Insight software.
7. We meet regularly as colleagues to discuss the needs, concerns, progress and outcomes of pupils with SEN. We meet with parents through out monthly parent network meeting, through newsletters, marvellous me, parent consultations and in 1:1 meetings. This helps share information and improves the support we can give to the pupil and families.