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Morgans Primary School & Nursery

‘Nurturing Life - Long Learning’

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1

Cherry Class



In Year 1, we range a range of high quality schemes to teach core and foundation subjects. We use Herts for Learning to plan our core English lessons. The children will be either writing to entertain or to inform, and we find Herts for Learning allows the children to engage with and enjoy the writing process.


A focus in Year 1 is Phonics and we are proud to say that we teach Read Write Inc. This a phonics programme which helps all children learn to read fluently and at speed so they can focus on developing their skills in comprehension, vocabulary, and spelling.  We ensure that all children work at the correct level in both daily phonic and reading sessions. Reading books are sent home and we ask you to listen to your child read every day, even if it is only for 5 minutes. Please write each time your child reads in the reading record, in blue or black pen.


We use White Rose and NCETM to teach Maths mastery. The children become familiar with the White Rose characters and the teaching and learning sequence allows children to build on their fluency and reasoning skills.


Each week, we teach Science, Art/DT, PE, Geography/History, RE, Music and PSHE, alongside the core subjects mentioned.

Meet the Teacher 20204

Year 1 Summer Curriculum Newsletter
