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Morgans Primary School & Nursery

‘Nurturing Life - Long Learning’

Vision and Values

Nurturing Life-Long Learning


Our values “Commitment, Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, Curiosity, Confidence and Craftmanship” are the foundation to our vision; woven into the fabric of the school to create a common purpose.  Morgans has a strong sense of community and we work collaboratively with families to create strong friendships and positive experiences for all our children.  We have an enviable physical environment which enhances the curriculum offer and provides opportunities for sport, creativity and enquiry-based learning.   Children learn from their mistakes developing a growth mindset within a therapeutic approach to behaviour enabling all to flourish socially, emotionally and academically from their various starting points.  Each child is an individual.  Our teachers are skilled in mapping the curriculum to develop the children’s interests, collaborate with the local community and provide wider cultural opportunities through educational visits and residentials.  Morgans is a school for all; if your child is happy they will learn!




We have a clear and focused vision at Morgans School which drives our thinking, learning and actions. Our vision is about Building Learning Power and is built around the work of Guy Claxton. We teach a development of values, habits and attributes to our children in order for them to be excited by learning, more effective at learning and develop as lifelong learners. We aim to ensure our children are prepared for their next stage in their educational journey.


Our 7 Learning Power Champs are:  Creativity, Confidence, Collaboration, Commitment, Curiosity, Craftsmanship and Communication.

We aim for our pupils to have developed habits for learning that will be transferable across all of their life experiences by the time they leave us in Year 6.

Our Learning Powers are symbolised in every classroom by our 7 Learning Champs. The Learning Champs help us recognise the skills we are using to learn and put them into practice.

The idea of Building Learning Power - Prof. Guy Claxton

Professor Guy Claxton is interviewed on the subject of Building Learning Power. An educational theory that he created and forms the basis for many of his boo...



Our Y6 pupil will be Confident. She will have the self-confidence to believe she is special and unique in the way she thinks and learns. He will believe that he can achieve his goals if he puts in the effort and works hard. She will have a positive and optimistic outlook on life and model this. He will have self-belief. She will have high expectations, be resilient and will have a ‘can do’ attitude.


Our Y6 pupil will be Curious. He will ask lots of questions, even ones which seem silly or ones which question known facts or belief systems. She will believe the questions she asks are worth asking. He will try new things, have a go and not worry if he is not good at something YET! She will know that making mistakes means you are learning. He will get involved in debating and will face challenges head on.


Our Y6 pupil will be proficient at Collaborating. She will understand that learning often requires friendship and comradeship. He will discuss and disagree respectfully. She will know how to ask for help or to offer help when someone else may need it. He will not laugh at others or exclude them. She will know how important it is to be open and friendly and convivial. He will work well in a team and understand that many roles need to be enacted for a team to be successful. She will know when to speak up or to be quiet, when to lead and when to follow. He will be trustworthy and honest; and admit when something is wrong and will know how to apologise.


Our Y6 pupil will be adept at Communicating. He will understand the link between reading and being a good communicator. She will have developed a love of reading and this will have helped her build a rich vocabulary as well as helped her to better understand people. He will know how to stop and think before speaking and how to actively listen to others. She will be able to articulate ideas coherently. She will be able to speak clearly and confidently to a range of audiences. He will be honest and kind. She will have developed debating skills.

Our Y6 pupil will be Creative. She will have begun to discover her own creativity. He will be able to solve puzzles and problems in a variety of ways. She will have practiced and honed higher-order thinking skills. He will be able to point out connections between ideas and be able to build on what other people have said. She will know how to develop novel and interesting ideas. He will be able to complete projects that stretch the mind and take time to finish to a high standard. She will know how to come up with her own proposals. He will think carefully, and be able to talk about his own education and curriculum and his learning. She will be both clear and logical in her thinking as well as dreamy and imaginative, being able to use her brain in different ways and in a controlled manner.


Our Y6 pupil will be Committed. He will have discovered the value of being committed to what he does. She will know how to learn independently and will have developed her own sense of responsibility and self-respect. He will be resilient and able to stick to things even when they are boring or difficult. She will know ‘the joy of the struggle’. He will be patient and persistent and will know when it is right to push himself as well as when it is necessary to take a break and stop. She will not to be afraid of hard work and will know that often, worthwhile things do not come easily. He will be self-disciplined.


Our Y6 pupil will be a Craftsman. She will know the pleasures of craftsmanship: how producing work that she can be proud of feels good and will lead to success in many forms. She will be determined and careful and will think about what she is doing and take time in her work. She will regularly reflect and strive to improve her work and will go over mistakes she has made with a positive attitude. She will practise and practise the hard parts.

“The principle goal of education in schools should be creating men and women who are capable of doing new things, not simply repeating what other generations have done; men and women who are creative, inventive and discoverers, who can be critical and verify, and not accept, everything they are offered.”

